
BEARS Co., Ltd. grouped “Libra Style”

BEARS Co., Ltd. grouped “Libra Style”

BEARS Co., Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative: Riryo Takuma), which deals with the buying and selling, new construction, and renovation of luxury properties in central Tokyo, and Libra Style Co., Ltd., which specializes in interior design and coordination of luxury condominiums (Tokyo Minato-ku, Tokyo, representative Yumi Tezuka) has acquired all shares and made it a group.

By forming a partnership through an investment in Librastyle, BEARS will be able to handle all aspects of design, from renovation planning to detailed interior design, and provide more authentic and high-value properties. I will do

Library Style Company                                                  Overview Location: 2-14-5 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo                          Representative: Yumi Tezuka                                                                                                                 Established: August 2008                                        URL: https: //librastyle.com/                                                                                                                              Business content: Interior planning, design, and design. Coordination and consulting, design and consulting of furniture and interior goods, sales of furniture, curtains, interior goods and textiles

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