

Efforts to improve the opacity of real estate transactions and information asymmetry.

We strive to facilitate smooth real estate transactions and distribution as well as enhance sustainability by providing investors and buyers with highly accurate and transparent information on our digital platform.

[Concrete solutions]
  • AI analysis of massive real estate data, including unlisted properties.
  • Evaluation and assessment of the value and history of land and buildings, as well as construction, along with real estate appraisals.
  • Scoring and visualization.

Contributions to intercity competition and responses to population decline and globalization.

By conducting a digital platform and a real estate investment business with real estate tech based on AI, technology, and real agents, we rationalize and optimize real estate transactions, create an environment that can attract investments that are aligned with sustainable development goals (SDGs) and environmental, social, and governance (ESGs) goals from Japan and abroad and establish a competitive edge to cope with Japan’s declining birthrate and aging population, and with international competition between cities that will occur in the future.

Solutions for social issues

As a platform for real estate and lifestyle, BEARS aims to address social issues such as the declining birthrate and aging population, accelerating competition between cities, uncertainty in real estate transactions, the increase in idle real estate, and the aging of stock by developing business using “technology (AI) x knowledge (concierge) x objective value presentation (real estate appraisal).”

Services provided


Business Overview Digital Platform Business

Real estate distribution platform providing high liquidity and appropriate value

We use our experience in the real estate business and AI and other information technologies to visualize and score real estate values, and to match investors and buyers with the most suitable real estate and living spaces.


Business Overview Real Estate Investment Business

Flow business using real estate investment to support customer growth

We assess the true value of investment real estate that is competitive in the market through finance and due diligence by our partners, looking beyond current asset value and profitability.


Real estate appraisal business

Redefining the value of real estate
Fair and objective real estate appraisals

Just like people, no two pieces of real estate are alike.
We prepare appraisal reports from a neutral standpoint, including proposals for the effective use of real estate assets, to ensure fair real estate transactions and a proper understanding of asset value.


Safe and high-quality renovation adapted to a variety of lifestyles

The value of all things depends on the person who owns them.
By revitalizing and renovating real estate, we create new value that fits various lifestyles and pass on abundant and high-quality real estate to the next generation that they will want to keep forever.